Category Drain Fly Knowledge Base

Why is it so hard to get rid of drain flies?

Eliminating drain flies is particularly challenging due to their prolific breeding, concealed larvae development within drain systems, resilience to conventional cleaning methods, and their preference for the moist and organic-rich environments of drains and sewers. Drain flies, also known as…

Can drain flies be exterminated?

Yes, drain flies can be exterminated, but it often requires a multifaceted approach and persistent efforts to completely eliminate them. Drain flies, also known as moth flies or sewer gnats, are small insects commonly found in drains, sewers, and damp…

Can drain flies come from shower?

Yes, drain flies can originate from your shower. These small insects, also known as moth flies or sewer gnats, are often associated with moist and organic-rich environments, such as drains, sewers, and bathrooms. If you notice drain flies in your…

Can drain flies jump?

No, drain flies cannot jump. Drain flies, also known as moth flies or sewer gnats, are small insects with limited mobility in the air. They primarily move by flying, and they do not possess the physical adaptations or the ability…